Dissolving Filler at Aesthetic Envy

Injectable fillers have surged in popularity throughout the 21st century. First-time filler patients often feel nervous about their initial treatment. Fortunately, hyaluronic acid fillers and some other types of fillers have an injectable antidote, easing the concerns of these patients. Though the chances of a botched procedure or major complication are low, Aesthetic Envy offers solutions for those rare cases. If a hyaluronic acid filler treatment goes awry, our expert injectors can dissolve it and re-inject a new filler using advanced methods. Aesthetic Envy provides hyaluronidase injections to dissolve fillers in Sacramento.

What Is Used to Dissolve Fillers?

At Aesthetic Envy, the most common agent used to dissolve fillers is hyaluronidase. Like hyaluronic acid, which forms the base for most dermal fillers, hyaluronidase is naturally found in the body, making it an extremely safe procedure with minimal risk. In the body, hyaluronidase breaks down hyaluronic acid and contributes to its natural turnover.

When injected, hyaluronidase breaks down the hyaluronic acid in the filler, leading to its full dissolution within about 48 hours. Depending on the specific filler, the treatment area, and your metabolism, additional injections may be necessary.

For non-hyaluronic acid fillers, other agents or methods are used for dissolution. Before receiving any filler injection, you and your injector will discuss your goals and filler options. Hyaluronic acid fillers are often preferred due to their quick and easy antidote, making them ideal for first-time filler patients. For certain areas, such as the lips, non-hyaluronic acid fillers are rarely injected.

During your consultation, you and your injector will weigh the pros and cons of each type of filler to determine the best option for your needs.

Dissolving Radiesse

Radiesse, made of calcium hydroxyapatite, does not respond to hyaluronidase. Until 2018, Radiesse was considered non-reversible, but sodium thiosulfate has since been found effective in dissolving Radiesse. While trials continue, it is expected that Radiesse will soon have a dissolving agent similar to those for Juvederm and Restylane.

Other Options

For other fillers like Bellafill and Sculptra, there is no quick and easy dissolution method. It is extremely rare to dissolve fillers due to injector errors or complications. However, in the uncommon circumstances where this is necessary due to a botched case or complication, steroid injections are typically the first line of treatment. These injections boost your body’s immune response, leading to faster metabolization of the filler. In extreme cases, non-reversible fillers can be surgically removed, though this is highly unlikely.

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Where Can I Have Filler Dissolved?

You can have hyaluronic acid fillers or Radiesse dissolved in any area in which they were injected. Hyaluronidase is an extremely safe and low-risk procedure, and sodium thiosulfate is also safe for dissolving Radiesse. Common areas for filler dissolution include:

  • Cheeks
  • Tear Troughs
  • Lips
  • Jawline
  • Chin
  • Nose
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Temples

While these are the most common sites, hyaluronidase or sodium thiosulfate can be used to dissolve fillers anywhere on your face or body where these fillers were injected.

Can I Get My Fillers Re-Done After Dissolution?

Yes! Many patients choose to receive subsequent filler injections after having their previous fillers dissolved. This might be to switch to a different filler, use a new technique, or achieve better results. It’s common to have fillers re-done after hyaluronidase injections

Your injector will typically recommend waiting two weeks before getting new filler in the treated area. This waiting period ensures that all the previous filler is fully dissolved and that no follow-up treatments are needed. Once the results of your hyaluronidase injections have fully taken effect, your injector can proceed with the new filler injections.

The Process of Dissolving Hyaluronic Acid Fillers

Dissolving fillers is a straightforward yet skill-intensive procedure requiring precise dilutions and techniques to ensure even results. At Aesthetic Envy, Dr. Kasturi and our experienced injectors specialize in correcting botched filler jobs and re-injecting top-quality fillers in Sacramento. Often, you can have your consultation and hyaluronidase injections with Dr. Jonov on the same day.

Who Are Candidates?

Candidates for hyaluronidase injections include anyone who has received hyaluronic acid filler and wishes to dissolve it. Since you have previously received filler, you are typically at low risk for future injections. However, hyaluronidase is ineffective for non-hyaluronic acid fillers. Each patient and situation is unique, and sometimes other treatments may be more suitable.

Before proceeding with filler dissolution, your injector will confirm your suitability and discuss all your options. They will review your medical history and goals, such as whether you plan to have fillers re-injected, your concerns with the current filler, and the specifics of the filler you have received.

How Are Hyaluronidase Injections Performed?

Once it is determined that you are a suitable candidate and will benefit from hyaluronidase, the injector will prepare the solution. To minimize any discomfort, a topical anesthetic may be applied based on your preference. The hyaluronidase is then injected into the area where you wish to dissolve the filler.

The procedure typically takes about 10-30 minutes, depending on the size of the treatment area. Multiple injection sites may be necessary to ensure even distribution of the hyaluronidase.

During the injections, you might feel some discomfort or a mild burning sensation. This discomfort generally subsides quickly and can be managed with a numbing gel applied before treatment. Most patients tolerate hyaluronidase well, with any side effects being mild and short-lived.

After Filler Dissolver Injections

Immediately following the injections, you may begin to see results almost instantly. Most patients achieve full or partial results within 48 hours, although some might take longer depending on their metabolism.

For thicker fillers like Juvederm Voluma or larger quantities of filler, more hyaluronidase might be required to achieve complete dissolution. After your initial hyaluronidase treatment, a follow-up appointment with your injector can confirm if the filler has been fully dissolved. If necessary, additional treatments can be administered.

Hyaluronidase and other filler-dissolving injections generally share the same side effects as dermal fillers. These side effects are usually mild and resolve within a few days. Some patients may not have any side effects at all. The most commonly reported side effects include:

  • Redness
  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

There is a small chance of an allergic reaction to hyaluronidase, particularly in individuals allergic to bee stings. If you or your injector have concerns about this, a patch test can be performed to ensure safety.

Is It Safe?

Hyaluronidase injections, like dermal fillers, are considered safe. Not only does dissolving filler enhance safety, but it also alleviates anxiety associated with hyaluronic acid filler injections. Many first-time filler patients worry about potential bad results or rare complications. Hyaluronidase can ease these concerns, as it allows Dr. Kasturi to immediately correct any undesirable outcomes or complications.

It’s essential to have a skilled injector perform the procedure to achieve the desired results. Hyaluronidase works wherever it is injected and its effects can vary based on the amount and dilution used. Therefore, choosing an experienced injector who understands how to deliver flattering and even results is crucial.

Beyond cosmetic uses, hyaluronidase is employed in the medical field for various purposes, such as enhancing X-ray technology and aiding the body in absorbing certain drugs.

How Much Does Dissolving Filler Cost?

The cost of dissolving filler depends on the number of treatments required. This can vary based on your individual metabolism and how effectively your body responds to hyaluronidase. Some fillers, especially thicker ones, may need multiple rounds of hyaluronidase for complete dissolution.

At Aesthetic Envy in Sacramento, one treatment of hyaluronidase costs $300. We offer financing options through Care Credit to help make your cosmetic procedures affordable and fit your budget.

Our office in Sacramento provides a calm and friendly atmosphere, complete with amenities like hot coffee, tea, and specialty water. We aim to create a warm and inviting environment where you feel comfortable asking questions and expressing your concerns.

To schedule a consultation at Aesthetic Envy, call us at 916-333-4906 or contact us using the form above.

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