Skin Tag Removal

Skin tag removal is a commonly requested procedure at Aesthetic Envy in Sacramento. We specialize in treating skin tags, providing effective removal and comprehensive aftercare for our patients.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small, loose flaps of skin that often resemble deflated balloons. Initially, they may appear as tiny lumps on the skin’s surface. While they generally do not grow larger than a pencil eraser, some can reach the size of a grape. Unlike pimples, moles, or accessory tragus, which are congenital abnormalities, skin tags are benign and typically develop later in life. They can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found in the following areas:

  • At the base of the neck
  • In and around the armpits
  • In the folds of the buttocks and groin
  • On the eyelids
  • Under the breasts
  • Sides
  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Between the thighs

Often, you might not notice a skin tag unless it becomes irritated, enlarges, or rubs against clothing. Skin tags can occur in both men and women, typically appearing after the age of 40, though they can develop at any age.

Should I Worry About Skin Tags?

With the increased awareness of skin cancer and general skin health, it’s normal to be concerned about any changes to your skin. Fortunately, skin tags are completely benign, meaning they are non-cancerous and will not become cancerous if left untreated. However, it’s always a good idea to have skin tags checked by a professional to confirm the diagnosis, just as you would with any other skin changes.

There’s no harm in leaving skin tags alone, and occasionally they might even fall off on their own. However, the majority of skin tags will not disappear; they remain where they are, and sometimes become larger.

Reasons for Causing Skin Tag

Skin tags often develop where skin rubs against skin, clothing, or jewelry. People who are overweight or have loose skin are more prone to developing them. Certain conditions also increase the risk of skin tags, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar levels
  • Excess fat around the waist
  • Unhealthy cholesterol levels
  • Family history of skin tags

Skin Tags and Pregnancy

Yes, pregnancy can cause skin tags. Hormonal imbalances, such as elevated estrogen and progesterone levels, contribute to their development during pregnancy.

Why Remove Skin Tags?

While skin tags are harmless, you might choose to have them removed for various reasons:

  • Aesthetic concerns: Skin tags can be unsightly, especially if they are in visible areas.
  • Irritation and discomfort: Skin tags can become irritated by friction from clothing or jewelry.
  • Prevention of complications: Removing skin tags can prevent potential snagging or tearing, which can cause pain and bleeding.

Skin Tag Removal Procedure at Aesthetic Envy

For many patients, cortisone injections offer a solution to reduce blemishes without scarring, especially when conventional treatments like extraction tools are not effective.


Ligation is a common and effective medical procedure for removing skin tags and warts. It involves using a small ligature or thread to cut off the blood supply to the growth, leading to its eventual removal.

The Ligation Process

The ligation procedure typically follows these steps:

  • Preparation: The treatment area is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Application of Ligature: A small ligature or thread, such as a surgical suture or dental floss, is carefully tied around the base of the skin tag or wart.
    The ligature is tightened snugly to obstruct the blood vessels supplying the growth.
  • Blood Supply Cut-off: The ligature remains in place, effectively cutting off the blood supply to the skin tag or wart.
    Without a blood supply, the growth will gradually shrink and eventually fall off.
  • Post-treatment Care: After ligation, the treated area is cleaned again, and a dressing may be applied to protect the area.
    The healthcare professional will provide instructions for post-treatment care, including wound care and any necessary follow-up appointments.

At Aesthetic Envy, we ensure that our skin tag removal procedures are performed with precision and care, providing you with effective results and comprehensive aftercare for optimal healing.

Benefits of Ligation

Ligation offers several advantages as a treatment option for skin tags and warts:

  • Non-Invasive: Ligation is a non-invasive procedure that does not require incisions or anesthesia. It’s generally well-tolerated and causes minimal discomfort.
  • Simplicity and Effectiveness: This method is straightforward yet highly effective. By cutting off the blood supply to the growth, it is deprived of nutrients and oxygen, leading to its eventual disappearance.
  • Versatility: Ligation can be used to treat various types of skin tags and warts, making it a versatile treatment option.
  • Minimal Scarring: With proper technique and wound care, ligation typically results in minimal scarring. Any residual pigmentation changes or scarring usually fades over time.

Procedure Duration for Skin Tag Removal

The time required to remove a skin tag depends on the method used. With ligation, it may take several days for the skin tag to fall off completely.

Aftercare Instructions for Skin Tag Removal

Proper aftercare is essential to ensure optimal healing and prevent infection:

  • Keep the Area Clean and Dry: Maintain cleanliness to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Apply Antibiotic Ointment: Your medical provider may recommend using an antibiotic ointment and covering the area with a bandage for a few days.
  • Avoid Strenuous Activity: Refrain from strenuous activity and avoid exposing the area to water or sunlight until it has completely healed.
  • Monitor for Signs of Infection: If you experience redness, swelling, or pus, contact your medical provider immediately.

Can Skin Tags Be Prevented?

While it’s difficult to completely prevent skin tags, you can reduce the likelihood of their development by managing factors that contribute to their formation, such as friction, obesity, and skin irritation. Regular skin care and maintaining a healthy weight may help minimize the occurrence of skin tags.

Self-Care and Prevention Strategies for Skin Tags and Warts

  • Good Hygiene: Maintain proper hygiene to help prevent the spread of warts and skin tags. Regularly wash your hands with soap and water, especially after touching or treating a wart or skin tag.
  • Avoid Touching or Picking: Refrain from touching, scratching, or picking at skin tags. This can help prevent irritation and infection.
  • Keep the Area Clean and Dry: Keep the affected area clean and dry to prevent moisture buildup, which can promote the growth of skin tags.
  • Protect the Skin: If you have skin tags in areas prone to friction or rubbing, such as the neck or underarms, use protective measures like covering them with bandages or wearing clothing that reduces friction.
  • Avoid Sharing Personal Items: Since warts are contagious, avoid sharing personal items such as towels, razors, or clothing with others to prevent the spread of the virus.
  • Boost Immune System: A strong immune system can help fight off the HPV virus, which causes warts. Support your immune system by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.
  • Regular Skin Examinations: Visit Aesthetic Envy for periodic skin examinations to check for any new growths, changes in existing skin tags, or signs of infection. Early detection can aid in prompt treatment and management.

Skin tag removal is a safe and effective way to address unwanted skin tags. If you have skin tags that you’d like to remove, contact us at Aesthetic Envy in Sacramento to schedule a consultation and learn more about your options.

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Unlock your journey to radiant beauty and rejuvenation. Call us at 916-333-4906 to schedule your personalized consultation at our medical spa today!