What is NAD+ IV Therapy?

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) IV therapy is a rejuvenating treatment that targets cellular function and energy production. Found in every living cell, NAD+ is essential for transferring energy from food to cell functions, particularly in the brain. However, natural NAD+ levels decline with age and can be further diminished by lifestyle factors like diet, stress, and toxins. NAD+ IV therapy replenishes these levels intravenously, offering a range of rejuvenating benefits.

Benefits of NAD+ IV Therapy:

  • Anti-aging: Regulates genes associated with aging, potentially reducing signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Mental Clarity: Clears brain fog and enhances mental clarity.
  • Metabolic Function: Supports metabolic processes, aiding in weight loss and boosting metabolism.
  • Energy Boost: Increases overall energy levels and stamina.
  • Memory & Concentration: Improves cognitive function, memory, and concentration.
  • Athletic Performance: Enhances muscle function and athletic performance.

How NAD+ IV Therapy Works?

Unlike oral supplements, NAD+ IV therapy delivers the coenzyme directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system for maximum absorption. Initially, treatment typically consists of four consecutive days to establish optimal levels, followed by maintenance doses every 4-8 weeks under medical supervision.

NAD+ IV therapy offers a holistic approach to rejuvenation, targeting cellular function to enhance overall well-being and vitality.

NAD IV Therapy Benefits

Improved Brain Function and Mental Clarity NAD+ plays a crucial role in energy production for brain neurons. Elevating NAD+ levels through IV infusion therapy can enhance cognitive function, mental clarity, focus, prevent brain fog, and improve memory recall. Additionally, NAD+ supports mitochondrial function and reduces oxidative stress, safeguarding neurons and promoting overall brain health.

Anti-Aging Effects

NAD+ exhibits potent anti-aging effects by facilitating DNA repair and reducing inflammation. These mechanisms slow down the aging process at cellular and systemic levels, mitigating the risk of age-related diseases and promoting longevity.

Improved Immune Function

NAD+ infusion enhances immune function by stimulating immune cell production and activity, bolstering overall health and resilience against infections and illnesses. Additionally, improved metabolic processes contribute to overall well-being.

Addiction Recovery

Individuals with a history of substance abuse often have depleted NAD+ levels, hindering recovery efforts. NAD+ IV infusion therapy effectively supports addiction treatment by modulating neurotransmitter production and reducing oxidative stress, easing cravings and enhancing well-being during the recovery journey.

Weight Loss and Metabolism

NAD IV therapy influences weight loss and metabolism by impacting various metabolic pathways. Research suggests that it may regulate appetite, reduce cravings, and promote healthier eating habits, contributing to weight management.

Anxiety and Depression

NAD IV therapy holds promise as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety and depression. NAD’s involvement in neurotransmitter synthesis, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline, supports mood regulation. By restoring neurotransmitter balance, NAD IV therapy may alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, offering potential relief for those struggling with these conditions.

How NAD IV Therapy Works – Understanding the Science Behind NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD+ IV infusion therapy operates on a complex scientific foundation aimed at elevating NAD+ levels within the body through intravenous administration. Once introduced into the body, NAD+ is swiftly absorbed by cells, facilitating cellular function and repair.

Central to the benefits of NAD+ IV infusion therapy is the activation of sirtuins, enzymes crucial for regulating cellular metabolism and stress responses. Sirtuins, activated by NAD+, partake in various physiological processes, including DNA repair, inflammation modulation, and metabolism regulation. By enhancing sirtuin activity, NAD+ IV infusion therapy can optimize cellular function, mitigate inflammation, and promote overall health and well-being.

Conditions Benefitting from NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD+ IV infusion therapy demonstrates effectiveness in addressing diverse conditions, including:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  • Metabolic disorders like diabetes and obesity
  • Inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and Crohn’s disease
  • Addiction and withdrawal symptoms

For individuals grappling with these conditions or seeking to enhance their overall health, NAD+ IV infusion therapy presents a promising avenue for consideration.

Preparing for NAD+ IV Therapy

Prior to NAD+ IV therapy, preparing the body is crucial. This entails ensuring proper hydration and consuming a nutritious meal. Additionally, abstaining from caffeine and alcohol for at least 24 hours before treatment is advisable, as these substances can impede NAD+ absorption. During the procedure, a healthcare professional will administer the NAD+ solution via an IV drip, facilitating direct entry into the bloodstream.

What do you Anticipate During NAD+ IV Therapy?

The duration of a typical NAD+ IV infusion session may vary based on individual needs and the specific condition being addressed, typically lasting several hours. Throughout the session, close monitoring by healthcare professionals ensures treatment tolerance. While many report feelings of relaxation and well-being during treatment, mild side effects such as nausea or dizziness may occur in some individuals.

Gradual improvements in cellular health and energy levels can be expected over subsequent weeks following NAD+ IV infusion therapy. Healthcare providers offer guidance on sustaining these benefits beyond the treatment period.

NAD IV Before and After (Aftercare and Recovery)

NAD+ IV therapy typically entails minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume their regular activities immediately post-session. It’s essential to prioritize hydration and consume a nutritious meal post-treatment to support the body’s recovery process. Taking a brief rest following the session aids in maximizing the absorption of NAD+ therapy.

While some may experience mild side effects like fatigue or headache post-treatment, these symptoms typically dissipate within a few days.

Short on Time? Try NAD+ Boosters!

Recognizing that not everyone can allocate additional time for an IV session, we offer NAD+ Boosters! These contain the same NAD+ content as our IV treatments but in a smaller dosage. With a quick injection, you can receive your NAD+ therapy and be on your way within minutes. Give NAD+ a shot—literally!


NAD+ infusions aim to elevate NAD+ levels to alleviate aging symptoms resulting from the body’s decline in NAD. While healthy individuals may or may not perceive significant changes in their well-being, the reparative benefits of NAD+ infusion offer an overall system boost.

Most patients experience the effects of NAD+ immediately.

The primary objective of NAD+ IV Drip Therapy is to facilitate the elimination of damaged cellular components, thereby resetting the baseline of cellular health.

Excessive drug and alcohol consumption depletes the body’s natural NAD stores, hindering the brain’s energy reception from food breakdown. NAD therapy replenishes these stores, yielding four key effects:

  • Flushes out residual drugs from the system.
  • Alleviates withdrawal symptoms, enhancing comfort during recovery.
  • Diminishes cravings for alcohol and opioids, easing withdrawal-related discomfort.
  • Promotes natural energy production sans the adverse effects associated with other substances like caffeine or sugar.

The duration of sessions varies based on addiction severity and recommendations from the medspa.

The longevity of NAD IV therapy’s effects varies among individuals and is influenced by the frequency of administration. Typically, the benefits of an NAD infusion endure for approximately 3-14 days. This duration hinges on factors such as the individual’s health condition, the dosage of NAD administered, and the frequency of infusions. Most recipients of NAD IV therapy experience immediate improvements, including heightened energy levels and enhanced cognitive function.

The frequency and duration of NAD IV therapy sessions are tailored to each individual’s health needs and desired outcomes. Generally, an initial treatment regimen involves sessions 1-2 times per week over 4-6 weeks to achieve an optimal therapeutic response. Following the initial phase, a maintenance schedule of every 4-6 weeks may suffice. Individuals with chronic ailments or heightened oxidative stress may necessitate more frequent therapy.

Embarking on NAD IV therapy begins with a comprehensive consultation with one of our providers. This step serves to assess your physical and mental well-being and determine the most suitable treatment plan. If you’re intrigued by the prospect of NAD IV therapy and its potential benefits, please reach out to our office at 916-333-4906 to schedule an appointment. We’re eager to assist you on your journey toward improved vitality and wellness.

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