Injectables like dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers are increasingly popular treatments due to their effectiveness and attainability. Plus, they offer changes with minimal downtime. They’re great options for people wanting to achieve a more youthful appearance without surgery. Injectibles are excellent options for anyone looking to enhance their appearance and reduce the signs of aging. They are safe, effective and can provide long-lasting results. Here are eight things you should know before your next appointment.

#1 Dermal fillers are different than wrinkle reducers.

Fillers are injectable substances that can be used to restore volume, smooth out lines and wrinkles and enhance facial features. They’re typically made from hyaluronic acid, collagen and calcium hydroxylapatite. Results will vary depending on the individual's skin type, age and the type of treatment they receive. However, many people report significant improvements in their appearance following dermal filler and injectible treatments.

Wrinkle reducers, such as Botox®, are botulinum toxins that arrest the underlying muscles that cause wrinkles. It stops them from contracting and deepening lines and wrinkles. Each of these treatments has its own unique benefits and potential drawbacks.

#2 Dermal filler procedures involve injecting the product into your skin using a fine needle or cannula.

The procedure is typically done in a medical office or clinic and can take anywhere from 15 to 60 minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated. Before the injection, the provider will clean the area and may apply a topical numbing cream to reduce discomfort. The filler is then injected into the targeted area using a small needle or cannula. After the injection, the provider may gently massage the area to ensure the even distribution of the filler.

#3 Dermal fillers can be made from a variety of materials, but we prefer the ones with hyaluronic acid.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance found in the body that can attract and hold onto moisture, making it a popular choice for dermal fillers. They can add volume to the lips, cheeks and other areas of the face and smooth out lines and wrinkles. They usually have the least amount of adverse or allergic reactions since HA is a natural element for the human body.

#4 The effects of dermal fillers are not permanent and vary in how long they last.

The filler's longevity depends on various factors, including the type of filler used, the location of the injection, and the individual's metabolism. Over time, the body will naturally break down and absorb the filler material, and the effects will gradually fade. Many people choose to undergo touch-up treatments to maintain the desired results.

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and can last for six to eighteen months, depending on the product used.
  • Collagen fillers can typically last for three to twelve months.
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite fillers are the longest-lasting FDA-approved ones on the market, with some lasting up to five years.

#5 There’s a risk of side effects, including swelling, bruising and infection, although these are usually mild and temporary.

Some people experience allergic reactions to the filler material. Some have a reaction to wrinkle relaxers, such as nausea, redness or temporary facial weakness and drooping. In rare instances, the botulinum toxin may spread beyond the treatment area. Be sure to disclose any medical conditions or medications you’re taking before scheduling your procedure.

#6 Choosing a qualified and experienced provider for injections is important to ensure the procedure is safe and effective.

You should only receive these treatments from a licensed and experienced practitioner who has a proven track record of success. In addition to training and certification, the provider you choose should have experience performing the type of injections you’re interested in. Do your homework and check referrals. You should feel comfortable asking questions and discussing your concerns during your consultation.

Also, ensure that your provider uses high-quality products and adheres to strict safety protocols, which is essential to achieve the best possible results. Doing so allows you to safely enjoy a natural, more youthful and refreshed appearance that will last.

#7 The cost of dermal filler injections can vary depending on the type of filler used, the provider's experience and location, and the number of areas being treated.

The cost of dermal fillers and injectibles varies depending on the type of treatment, the area being treated, and the practitioner's experience. In general, the cost of dermal fillers and injectibles ranges from $500 to $1500 per session. However, the price can be higher for more advanced treatments or practitioners with a higher expertise level.

Hyaluronic acid fillers typically cost between $500 and $1,000 per syringe, while collagen fillers and calcium hydroxylapatite fillers can be slightly more expensive. Consider the cost of touch-up treatments to maintain the results of the initial injection.

#8 Before getting dermal filler injections, discuss any medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are taking with your provider to ensure the procedure is safe.

Some medical conditions or medications may increase the risk of complications or interact with the filler or relaxer products. Inform your providers of any previous cosmetic treatments or surgeries you’ve had, as well as your expectations for the outcome in the immediate and long-term. During your consultation, your provider should examine your face, discuss your goals and options and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Ready to Get Started?

Dermal fillers and injectibles are types of cosmetic treatments used to enhance facial features and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Fillers are minimally invasive procedures that inject a gel-like substance into the skin to restore volume, smooth out wrinkles and improve the face's overall appearance. Wrinkle reducers are also minimally invasive and involve injections of a substance that reduces your muscle movement to avoid new or deeper lines. Fillers and relaxers can be used together, depending on your goals.

At Aesthetic Envy, we know that feeling good in your skin enhances your confidence and self-image. We take great pride in offering treatments and products that provide improvements to your appearance, being certified and experienced with many brands and ingredients that can be customized just for you. Call Aesthetic Envy today at 916-333-4906 or click here to request a consultation to start your safe and healthy relationship with injectables.

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